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Estudios Científicos  

El Centro de Estudios Oníricos de Chile presenta bibliografías y estudios científicos sobre el sueño y los sueños efectuados por investigadores oníricos, conocidos internacionalmente.

Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.*

Bibliografia de sus obras publicadas en español

Bibliografía en inglés: ver

Research/ Additional Information in English. www.ceoniric.cl


Krippner S. (Ed.). (1992). El lenguaje de la noche: Claves para comprender el paisaje de los suenos. Buenos Aires: Editorial Planeta Argentina.

Feinstein, D., & Krippner, S. (1992). Mitologia personal: la psicologia del --------- [Personal mythology: The psychology of your evolving self]. Buenos Aires: Editorial Planeta Argentina

Krippner, S., & Villoldo, A. (1995). Los reinos de la curacion. Mexico City: Editorial Diana.

Krippner, S. (1988). Los chamanes: Primeros curadores. In G. Doore (Ed.), El viaje del chaman (pp. 143-161). Barcelona:Editorial Kairos.

Krippner S. (1992). Los chamanes tribales y sus viajes al tiempo onivico. In S. Krippner (Ed.), El lenguaje de la noche: Claves para comprender el paisaje de los suenos (pp. 269-281). Buenos Aires: Editorial Planeta Argentina.

Krippner, S. (1998). Parapsicologia teorica e investigacion de la conciencia [Parapsychological theory and the investigation of consciousness]. In A. Parra (Ed.), Actas de trabajos presentadoes Tercer Encuentro Psi 1998: Conciencia y Psi comoFronteras de Exploracion Cientifica (pp. 62-69). Buenos Aires: Instituto de Psicologia Paranormal.


Krippner, S. (1990). Informe de un questionario acerca de las reacciones experimentadas un curador Brasilero. RevistaArgentina de Psicologia Paranormal, 1 (2), 83-84.

Krippner, S. (1992). Parapsicologia: Una perspectiva internacional. Revista Argentina de Psicologia Paranormal, 3, 44-52.

Krippner, S. (1993). Charles Honorton en el Maimonides. Revista Argentina de Psicologia Paranormal, 4, 71-79.

Krippner, S. (1993, March). Los sueños despiertan la creatividad. Ano Cero (Spain) (No. 26), pp. 2-48.

Krippner, S. (1993). Que hay de ciencia en la parapsicologia? Ano Cero (Spain) (No. 36), pp. 50-56.

Krippner, S. (1993). Los chamanes y el planeta viviente. AnoCero (Spain) (No. 38), pp. 50-54.

Krippner, S. (1995). Como se producen los fenomenes psi? AnoCero (Spain), 6(7), 66-70.

Krippner, S. (1995). Estudios parapsicologicos y el cerebro humano. Revista Argentina de Psicologia Paranormal, 6(3),121-144.

Krippner, S. (1996). Plantas para viajar al otro mundo: Ceremonias magicas de huicholes y mazatecos [Plants for travelling to the other world: Magical ceremonies of the Huichols and Mazatecs]. Enigmas del Hombre y el Universo (Spain), 2(1), 72-79.

Krippner, S. (1999, August-December). ¿Tiene futuro la parapsicologia? [Does parapsychology have a future?] Boletin Informativo AIPA (Iberoamerican Association of Parapsychology), pp. 4-5.

Krippner, S. (1999). La parapsychologia en el siglo veintiuno[Parapsychology in the coming century]. Revista Argentina de Psicologia Paranormal, 10, 207-220.


Herranz, I., & de Vicente, E. (1992). La aventura parapsicologica de Stanley Krippner. Ano Cero, No. 25, pp. 34-38.


Krippner, S. (1992). [Critica de Historia de la parapsicologia en la Argentina, de Alejandro Parra]. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 86, 74-77.

Krippner,S. (1997). [Critica de Segundo encuentro psi: Aportesde la psicologia moderna a la parapsychologia de Alejandro Parra]. Journal of the American Society for PsychicalResearch, 91, 351-352.

E-mail: skrippner@saybrook.edu



Ernest Hartmann*


Libros e investigaciones de autoría del Prof. Dr. Ernest Hartmann, médico psiquiatra reconocido mundialmente por sus teorías, hallazgos y aporte científico sobre el sueño y los sueños.


Adolescents in a Mental Hospital
The Biology of Dreaming
Boundaries in the Mind
The Functions of Sleep
The Nightmare* (La Pesadilla)
The Sleep Book
Sleep and Dreaming
The Sleeping Pill
Dreams and Nightmares
The Origin and Meaning of Dreams
Perseus Publishing
Cambridge, Massachussetts. 2001

Investigaciones Científicas

1. Hartmann E (1959): Investigations of a factor found in certain normal tissues inhibiting ascites tumor growth in the rat and mouse. Brit J Cancer 13: 693-698.

2. Hartmann E, Tan D (1959): An immunologic and immunoelectrophorectic study of the development of hepatoman rats fed DAB. Abs: Institut de Recherches sur le Cancer Gustave Roussy,Paris.

3. Hartmann E, Verdone P (1965): The sleep and dream patterns in a pair of identical twins discordant for schizophrenia. Report to the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Washington,DC, March.

4. Hartmann E (1965): Serotonin and dreaming. Report to the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Washington, DC, March.

5. Bunney WE, Hartmann E (1965): Study of a patient with 48-hour manic-depressive cycles. I. An analysis of behavioral factors. Arch Gen Psychiat 12: 611-618.

6. Bunney WE, Hartmann E (1965): Study of a patient with 48-hour manic-depressive cycles. II. Strong positive correlation between endocrine factors and manic defense patterns. Arch Gen Psychiat 12: 619- 625.

7. Hartmann E (1965): The D-state: A review and discussion of studies on the physiological state concomitant with dreaming. New Eng J Med 273: 30-35, 87-92.

8. Hartmann E (1965): The biology of dreaming. Medical News, London, No. 166, 12-13, December 10.

9. Hartmann E (1965): Sleep and dream patterns in manic- depressive patients. Report to the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep. Gainesville, Florida, March.

10. Hartmann E, Freedman D, Zack M, Kluft R (1966): The effect of tryptophan-free diet on sleep and dream patterns in the rat. Report to the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Gainesville, Florida, March.

11. Hartmann E, Freedman D (1966): The effect of "dream-deprivation" on brain serontin and norepinephrine levels in the rat. Report to the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Gainesville, Florida, March.

12. Hartmann E: The D-state (1966): A review and discussion of studies on the physiologic state concomitant with dreaming. Int J Psychiat 2:11-47.

13. Hartmann E, Verdone P, Snyder F (1966): Longitudinal studies of sleep and dreaming patterns in psychiatric patients. J Nerv Ment Dis 142: 117-126.

14. Hartmann E (1966): The D-state (dreaming sleep) and the menstrual cycle. Rec Adv Biol Psychiat 8: 34-35.

15. Hartmann E (1966): Reserpine--Its effect on the sleep-dream cycle in man. Psychopharmacologia 9: 242-247.

16. Hartmann E (1966): Mechanism underlying the sleep- dream cycle. Nature 212: 648-659.

17. Bowers M, Jr, Hartmann E, Freedman D (1966): Sleep deprivation and brain acetylcholine. Science 153: 1416-1417.

18. Hartmann E (1966): "The psychophysiology of free will: An example of vertical research". In Lowenstein R, Newman L, Schur M, Solnit A (Eds.) Psychoanalysis, A General Psychology. New York, International Universities Press, pp 521-536.

19. Hartmann E (1966): The D-state (dreaming sleep) and psychosomatic illness. Proceedings of the First International Congress Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series No. 134: 203-206.

20. Hartmann E (1966): Dreaming sleep (the D-state) and the menstrual cycle. J Nerv Ment Dis 143: 406-416.

21. Hartmann E (1966): Some studies on the biochemistry of dreaming sleep. (Proceedings of the IV World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, September). Excerpta Medica International Congress Series No. 150.

22. Rosenblatt G, Bernstein J, Hartmann E (1967): Electrocardiographic changes during three days of drug induced sleep (Dauerschlaf). Report to the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Santa Monica, California, April.

23. Hartmann E (1967): The sleep-dream cycle and brain serotonin. Psychon Sci 8: 295-296.

24. Hartmann E (1967): The Biology of Dreaming. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas, 1967. (French translation: Hartmann E: Biologie Du Reve (Translated by Lejeune H, Thielen M) Charles Dessart (Ed.), Bruxelles, Charles Dessart.

25. Hartmann E (1967): The effect of L-tryptophan on the sleep-dream cycle in man. Psychon Sci 8: 479-480.

26. Hartmann E (1967): Glasser B, Hartmann E, Avery N: Attitudes toward adolescents on adult wards of a mental hospital. Amer J Psychiat 124: 317-322.

27. Hartmann E (1970): "Sleep and dream patterns in manic-depressive patients". In Psicofisiologia del Sonno e del Sogno (Atti del simposio internazionale). Milano, Vita E. Pensiero, pp 198-212.

28. Hartmann E (1967): The effect of LSD and l-tryptophan on the sleep-dream cycle in the rat. Abs: Psychophysiology 4: 390.

29. Hartmann E (1967): Antidepressants and the need for D (and suggested mechanism maintaining depression). Abs: Psychophysiology 4: 390-391.

30. Hartmann E (1967): Adaptation to the sleep laboratory and placebo effect. Abs: Psychophysiology 4: 389.

31. Hartmann E (1967): Summary of some studies on the relationship of brain serotonin to the sleep-dream cycle. Abs: Psychophysiology 4: 388.

32. Hartmann E (1967): Dauerschlaf: An EEG study. Abs: Psychophysiology 4: 388-389.

33. Hartmann E (1967): Pharmacological studies in man: Phenobarbital (Nembutal), amitriptyline (Elavil), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), and R 05-6901 (Dalmane). Abs: Psychophysiology 4: 391.

34. Hartmann E, Bernstein J, Wilson C (1967): Sleep and dreaming in the elephant. Abs: Psychophysiolog 4: 389.

35. Rosenblatt G, Bernstein J, Hartmann E (1967): Adaptation to the sleep laboratory and placebo effect Abs: Psychophysiology 4: 390.

36. Ravenscroft K, Hartmann E (1967): The temporal correlation of nocturnal asthmatic attacks and the D-state. Abs: Psychophysiology 4: 396.

37. Hartmann E (1968): Daureschlaf: A polygraphic study. Arch Gen Psychiat 18: 99-111.

38. Greenberg R, Pearlman C, Brook R, Mayer R, Hartmann E (1968): Dreaming and Korsakoff's psychosis. Arch Gen Psychiat 18: 203-209.

39. Glasser B, Hartmann E, Greenblatt M, Solomon M,Levinson D (1968): Adolescents in a Mental Hospital. New York, Grune and Stratton.

40. Hartmann E (1968): On the pharmacology of dreaming sleep (the D-state). J Nerv Ment Dis 146: 165-173.

41. Hartmann E (1968): The 90-minute sleep-dream cycle.Arch Gen Psychiat 18: 280-286.

42. Hartmann E (1968): The effect of four drugs on sleep patterns in man. sychopharmacologia 12: 346-353.

43. Rosenblatt G, Zwilling G, Hartmann E (1968): A sleep regimen for acute myocardial infarction. (Letter) The Lancet 1: 1040.

44. Hartmann E (1968): Longitudinal sleep studies in manic-depressive patients. Abs: Psychophysiology 5: 236.

45. Hartmann E (1968): The day residue: Time distribution of waking events. Abs: Psychophysiology 5: 222.

46. Hartmann E (1968): Amitriptyline and imipramine: Effects on human sleep. Abs: Psychophysiology 5: 207.

47. Van der Kolk B, Hartmann E (1968): Sensory deprivation and subsequent sleep. Abs: Psychophysiology 5: 234.

48. Adelman S, Hartmann E (1968): Psychological effects of amitriptyline-induced dream deprivation. Abs: Psychophysiology 5: 312-329.

49. Hartmann E (1968): Sleep and the monoamines. Abs: Psychophysiology 5: 211.

50. Hartmann E (1968): Longitudinal studies of sleep and dream patterns in manic-depressive patients. Arch Gen Psychiat 19: 312-329.

51. Hartmann E, Marcus J, Leinoff A (1968): Sleep-dream cycle and convulsion threshold. Psychon Sci 13: 141-142.

52. Hartmann E (1969): The biochemistry and pharmacology of the D-state (dreaming sleep). Exp Med Surg 27: 105-120.

53. Hartmann E (1969): "Mania, depression and sleep". In Kales A (Ed.) Sleep: Physiology and Pathology. New York, J.B. Lippincott, pp 183-191.

54. Hartmann E (1969): "Antidepressants and sleep: Clinical the theoretical implications". In Kales A (Ed.) Sleep: Physiology and Pathology. New York, J.B. Lippincott, pp 308-316.

55. Hartmann E, Glasser B, Herrera E (1969): Adolescent inpatients: Five years later. Seminars in Psychiatry 1: 66-78.

56. Hartmann E (1969): Convulsion threshold: Effect of conditions which alter D-pressure. Abs: Psychophysiology 6: 222-223

57. Hartmann E, Baekeland F, Zwilling G, Hoy P (1969): Long sleepers and short sleepers: Preliminary results. Abs: Psychophysiology 6: 255-256.

58. Rosenblatt G, Zwilling G, Hartmann E (1969): Electrocardiographic changes during sleep in patients with cardiac abnormalities. Abs: Psychophysiology 6: 233.

59. Schildkraut J, Hartmann E (1969): Seventy-two hours on an island: Effects on turnover and metabolism of norepinephrine in rat brain. Abs: Psychophysiology 6: 220.

60. Hartmann E (1970): Pharmacological studies of sleep and dreaming: Chemical and clinical relationships. Biol Psychiat 1: 243-258.

61. Hartmann E (1970): "The Pharmacology of dreaming sleep and its psychiatric implications". In Madow L (Ed.) The Psychodynamic implications of the Physiological Studies in Dreams. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas, pp 47-70.

62. Hartmann E (1970): The effects of diphenylhydantoin (Dilantin) on sleep in man. Abs: Psychophysiology 7: 316

63. Hartmann E (1970): L-tryptophan and 5-OH- tryptophan: Effects on human sleep. Abs: Psychophysiology 7: 316.

64. Hartmann E, Bernstein J (1970): The effect of drugson sleep: Long-term human studies. Abs: Psychophysiology 7: 345.

65. Hartmann E, Bridwell TJ (1970): Effects of AMPT, 1-DOPA, and l-tryptophan on sleep in the rat. Abs: Psychophysiology 7: 313

66. Hartmann E, Bridwell TJ (1970): Temporal relationship of increased D-time and decreased brain NE after AMPT in the rat. Abs: Psychophysiology 7: 313

67. Baekeland F, Hartmann E, Hoy P, Zwilling G, (1970):Sleep patterns of long and short sleepers. Abs: Psychophysiology 7: 296

68. Hartmann E (Ed.) (1970): Sleep and Dreaming (International Psychiatry Clinics Series, Vol 7, No. 2). Boston, Little, Brown & Co.

69. Baekeland F, Hartmann E (1970): Sleep requirements and the characteristics of some sleepers. In Hartmann E (Ed.) Sleep and Dreaming. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., pp 33-43.

70. Hartmann E (1970): "What sleep is good sleep?" In Hartmann E (Ed.) Sleep and Dreaming. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., pp 59-69.

71. Hartmann E (1970): "A note on the nightmare." In Hartmann E (Ed.) Sleep and Dreaming. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., pp 192-197.

72. Hartmann E (1970): "The D-state and norepinephrine- dependent systems." In Hartmann E (Ed.) Sleep and Dreaming. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., pp 308-328.

73. Hartmann E, Baekeland F, Zwilling G, Hoy P (1971): Sleep need: How much sleep and what kind? Amer J Psychiat 127: 1001-1008.

74. Hartmann E, Chung R, Chien C (1971): L-trytophan and sleep. Psychopharmacologia 19: 114-127.

75. Baekeland F, Hartmann E (1971): Reported sleep characteristics: Effects of age, sleep length and psychiatric impairment. Comp Psychiat 12: 141-147.

76. Hartmann E, Bridwell TJ, Schildkraut JJ (1971): Alpha-methylparatyrosine and sleep in the rat.Psychopharmacologia 21: 157-164.

77. Hartmann E (1971): L-tryptophan as a physiological hypnotic. The Lancet (letter of Apr 17), p 807.

78. Hartmann E, Chung R, Draskoczy PR (1971): Effects of 6-Hydroxydopamine on sleep in the rat. Nature 233: 425- 427.

79. Schildkraut JJ, Watson R, Draskoczy PR, Hartmann E (1971): Amphetamine withdrawal: Depression and MHPG excretion. The Lancet (letter of Aug 28) pp 485-486.

80. Stern WC, Hartmann E (1971): Catecholamines and desynchronized sleep. The Proceedings of the 79th Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, pp 743-744.

81. Hartmann E, Chung R (1971): L-trpytophan: Effect on sleep in the normal rat and the rat with lowered brain catecholamines. Abs: Psychophysiology 9: 87-88.

82. Hartmann E, Cravens J, Stanford G, Zwilling G, Bernstein J (1972): Long-term effect of drugs on sleep: Reserpine, amitriptyline, chlorpromazine, chloral hydrate, chlordiazepoxide, placebo. Abs: Psychophysiology 9: 94.

83. Hartmann E, Stern WC (1972): Active avoidance conditioning: Effects of D-deprivation and of altered brain catecholamines. Abs: Psychophysiology 9: 146.

84. Hartmann E, Stern W, Chung R, Draskoczy PR,

Schildkraut JJ (1972): 6-Hydroxydopamine: Effect on sleep patterns and on behavior in the rat. Abs: Psychophysiology 9: 85.

85. Stern WC, Bridwell TJ, Hartmann EL (1972): Behavioral effects of desynchronized sleep deprivation in rats. Abs: Psychophysiology 9: 146.

86. Stern WC, Hartmann E (1972): Effects of dextro- amphetamine following desynchronized sleep deprivation in rats. Abs: Psychophysiology 9: 145.

87. Stern WC, Hartmann E (1972): Reduced amphetamine lethality following chronic stress. Psychopharmacologia 23: 167-170.

88. Hartmann E (1972): How to help your patients sleep better. Medical Times 100: 126-138.

89. Hartmann E, Chung R (1972): Sleep-inducing effects of l-tryptophan. J Pharm Pharmacol 24: 252-253.

90. Stern WC, Hartmann EL, Draskoczy PR, Schildkraut JJ (1972): Behavioral effects of centrally administered 6- hydroxydopamine. Psychological Reports 30: 815-820.

91. Hartmann E, Stern WC (1972): Desynchronized sleep deprivation: Learning deficit and its reversal by increased catecholamines. Physiology and Behavior 8: 585- 587.

92. Hartmann E, Baekeland F, Zwilling GR (1972): Psychological differences between long and short sleepers. Arch Gen Psychiat 26: 463-468.

93. Schildkraut JJ, Hartmann E (1972): Turnover and metabolism of norepinephrine in rats brain after 72 hours on a D-deprivation island. Psychopharmacologia 27: 17-27.

94. Watson R, Hartmann E, Schildkraut JJ (1972): Amphetamine withdrawal: Affective state, sleep patterns, and MHPG excretion. Amer J Psychiat 129: 263-269.

95. Hartmann E, Cravens J, Auchincloss S, Bernstein J, Beroz M, Marsden H, Stanford G, Sullivan P, Wise S (1972): Placebo, reserpine, amitriptyline, chlorpromazine, chloral hydrate, and chlordiazepoxide: Long-term effects on human sleep. Sleep Research 1: 51.

96. Hartmann, E (1972): Is l-tryptophan a natural hypnotic? Sleep Research 1: 51.

97. Hartmann E, Chung R (1972): Sleep in a strain of rat (SHR) with reduced catecholamine synthesis. Sleep Research 1: 53.

98. Hartmann E, Popper C (1972): Brain tyrosine hydroxylase: Effects of D-deprivation and other forms of stress. Sleep Research 1: 54

99. Hartmann E, Zwilling G (1972): Effect of alpha and beta blockers on sleep patterns in the rat. Sleep Research 1: 54.

100. Makipour H, Iber FL, Hartmann E (1972): Effects of l-tryptophan on sleep in hospitalized insomniac patients. Sleep Research 1: 65.

101. Hartmann E, Galginaitis C, Moran E, Owen A, Buchanan K, (1972): When do we need more or less sleep: A study of variable sleepers. Sleep Research 1: 134.

102. Orzack MH, Hartmann E, (1972): Sleep and attentionin schizophrenic patients. Sleep Research 1: 143.

103. Hartmann E (1973): "Effects on sleep patterns of altering brain catecholamine levels". In Jovanovic U (Ed.) The Nature of Sleep. Stuttgart, Gustav Fisher, pp 290-295.

104. Hartmann E (1973): "Effects of l-tryptophan on sleep: Human and animal studies". In Jovanovic U (Ed.) The Nature of Sleep. Stuttgart, Gustav Fisher, pp 282-285.

105. Hartmann E (1973): "Functions of sleep". In Jovanovic U (Ed.) The Nature of Sleep. Stuttgart, Gustav Fisher, pp 238-251.

106. Rosenblatt G, Hartmann E, Zwilling G, (1973): Cardiac irritability during sleep and dreaming. J Psychom Res 17: 129-134.

107. Hartmann E (1973): Sleep requirement: Long sleepers, short sleepers, variable sleepers, and insomniacs. Psychosomatics 14: 95-103.

108. Davis DM, Hartmann E (1973): A comparison of the effects of Sominex, placebo, and no medication on human sleep. Sleep Research 2: 59.

109. Hartmann E, Cravens J, List S (1973): L-tryptophanas a natural hypnotic: A dose response study in man. Sleep Research 2: 59.

110. Hartmann E, Schildkraut J (1973): Desynchronized sleep and MHPG excretion: An inverse relationship. Sleep Research 2: 130.

111. Hartmann E, Zwilling G, List S (1973): Effects of alpha-adrenergic blocker on sleep in the rat. Sleep Research 2: 58

112. Hartmann E, Koski S, List S (1973): Effects of d- and l-amphetamine on sleep in the rat. Sleep Research 2:101.

113. Brewer V, Hartmann E (1973): Variable sleepers: When is more or less sleep required. Sleep Research 2: 128.

114. Hartmann E, Zwilling G, Koski S, List S (1973): The effects of pimozide on sleep in the rat. Sleep Research 2: 57.

115. Cravens J, Hartmann E (1973): Long-term administration of placebo versus baseline. Sleep Research 2: 101.

116. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1973): The effects of long- term administration of psychotropic drugs on human sleep: I. Methodology and the effects of placebo. Psychopharmacologia 33: 153-167.

117. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1973): The effects of long- term administration of psychotropic drugs on human sleep: II. The effects of reserpine. Psychopharmacologia 33: 169-184.

118. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1973): The effects of long- term administration of psychotropic drugs on human sleep: III. The effects of amitriptyline. Psychopharmacologia 33: 185-202.

119. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1973): The effects of long- term administration of psychotropic drugs on human sleep: IV. The effects of chlorpromazine. Psychopharmacologia 33: 203-218.

120. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1973): The effects of long- term administration of psychotropic drugs on human sleep: V. The effects of chloral hydrate. Psychopharmacologia 33: 218-232.

121. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1973): The effects on long- term administration of psychotropic drugs on human sleep: VI. The effects of chlordiazepoxide. Psychopharmacologia 33: 233-245.

122. Hartmann E, Schildkraut, JJ (1973): Desynchronized sleep and MHPG excretion: An inverse correlation. Brain Research 61: 412-416.

123. Schildkraut JJ, Keeler BA, Grab EL, Kantrowich J, Hartmann E (1973): MHPG excretion and clinical classification in depressive disorders. The Lancet 1: 1251-1252.

124. Schildkraut JJ, Keeler BA, Papousek M, Hartmann E (1973): MHPG excretion in depressive disorders: Relation to clinical subtypes and desynchronized sleep. Science 181: 762-764.

125. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1973): "Long-term drug effects on human sleep". In Koella WP and Levin P (Eds.) Sleep-Physiology, Biochemistry, Psychology, Pharmacology, Clinical Implications. Basel, S. Karger, pp 477-485.

126. Hartmann E (1973): The Functions of Sleep. New Haven, Yale University Press.

127. Herrera E, Lifson BG, Hartmann E, Solomon M (1974): A ten year follow-up of 55 hospitalized adolescents. Amer J Psychiat 131: 769-774.

128. Hartmann E (1974): The functions of sleep. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 2.

129. Hartmann E (1974): "Effect of psychotropic drugs on desynchronized sleep". In Itil T (ed.) Psychotropic Drugs and the Human Ego. Basel, S. Karger, pp 216-227.

130. Hartmann E (1974): "The effect of drugs on sleep".In van Praag HM and Meinardi H (eds.) The Brain and Sleep. Amsterdam, De Erven Bohn BV, pp 106-130.

131. Hartmann E, Cravens J, List S (1974): Hypnotic effects of l-tryptophan. Arch Gen Psychiat 31: 394-395.

132. Hartmann E, Zwilling G, Pochay V, Chung R (1974): Intraventricular administration of neurotransmitters: Effects on sleep. Sleep Research 3: 41

133. Cravens J, Sheehan J, Hartmann E (1974): The sleep spindle: Effects of chlordiazepoxide, effects of other conditions. Sleep Research 3: 48.

134. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1974): d- and l- amphetamine: Effects on human sleep. Sleep Research 3: 51.

135. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1974): Long-term psychotropic drug administration: Effects on dream content and on REM density. Sleep Research 3: 119

136. Hartmann E, Orzack MH, Branconnier R (1974): Deficits produced by sleep deprivation: Reversal by d- and l-amphetamine. Sleep Research 3: 151.

137. Hartmann E (1974): Use of hypnotics (Letter to the Editor). New Eng J Med 292: 217.

138. Hartmann E (1974): L-tryptophan: A possible natural hypnotic substance. J Am Med Assoc 230: 1680- 1681.

139. Hartmann E (1975): "Dreams and other hallucinations: An approach to the underlying mechanism". In Siegel RK and West LJ Hallucinations: Behavior, Experience and Theory. New York, John Wiley and Sons.

140. Hartmann E, Cravens J, Silverman M (1975): "L- tryptophan and human sleep". In Levin P and Koella WP (Eds.) Sleep: Instinct, Neurophysiology, Endocrinology, Episodes, Dreams, Epilepsy and Intracranial Pathology. Basel, S. Karger, pp 487-490.

141. Hartmann E (1975): "Effects of amitriptyline on sleep patterns". In Amitriptyline in the Management of Depression. West Point, PA Merck, Sharp & Dohme.

142. Davis D, Tyler J, Hartmann E (1975): Effects on human sleep of l-tryptophan, 1 and 2 grams. Sleep Research 4: 72.

143. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1975): Effects of long-term administration of l-tryptophan on human sleep. Sleep Research 4: 76.

144. Hartmann E, Zwilling G, Pochay V (1975): Norepinephrine and dopamine: Differential effects on sleep in the rat. Sleep Research 4: 77.

145. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1975): Loxapine succinate: Short and long-term effects on human sleep. Sleep Research 4: 96.

146. Hartmann E, Pochay V, Zwilling G (1975): Fusaric acid: Effects on sleep in the rat. Sleep Research 4: 97.

147. Glaubman H, Hartmann E (1975): The relationship between prior day activity and sleep patterns. Sleep Research 4: 170.

147a. Silverman MH, Hartmann EL (1975): Transcendental meditation and sleep. Sleep Research 4: 177.

148. Hartmann E, Zwilling G (1975): Intraventricular norepinephrine and dopamine: Differential effects on sleep in the rat. Abs: Neuroscience Abstracts 1: 248.

149. Hartmann E, Brewer V (1975): When is more or less sleep required: A study of variable sleepers. Comp Psychiat 17: 275-284.

150. Hartmann E (1976): "Long-term administration of psychotropic drugs: Effects on human sleep". In Williams R and Karacan I (eds.) Pharmacology of sleep. New York, John Wiley and Sons, pp 221-224.

151. Hartmann E (1976): "L-trpytophan: Effects on sleep". In Sicuteri F (ed.) Clinical Pharmacology of Serontonin. Basel, S. Karger, pp 1-9.

152. Hartmann E, Spinweber CL (1976): "The effects of psychotropic medication on human sleep". In Usdin E and Forrest I (Eds.) Psychotherapeutic Drugs. New York, Marcel Dekker, pp 665-698.

153. Hartmann E, Zwilling G (1976): The effect of alpha and beta adrenergic receptor blockers on sleep in the rat. Pharm Biochem & Behav. 5 (2): 135-138.

154. Hartmann E (1976): A hypothesis derived from sleep and dream research. Sleep Research 5: 19.

155. Hartmann E, Elion R (1976): The effects of l- trytophan on the first night of sleep. Sleep Research 5: 55.

156. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1976): Amino acids and human sleep: The effects of l-tryptophan, glycine, l-leucine and placebo. Sleep Research 5: 45.

157. Hartmann E, Pochay V (1976): The effects of gamma- hydroxbutyrate on sleep in the rat. Sleep Research 5: 56.

158. Spinweber CL, Hartmann E (1976): Long and short sleepers: Male and female subjects: Sleep, personality and biochemical measures. Sleep Research 5: 112.

159. Hartmann E, Spinweber CL, Ware C (1976): L- tryptophan, l-leucine, and placebo: Effects on subjective alertness. Sleep Research 5: 57.

160. Hartmann E (1976): The dream as a "royal road" to the biology of the mental apparatus (Discussion of the changing use of dreams in psychoanalytic practice). Int J Psychoanal 57: 331-334.

