161. Hartmann E (1976): Schizophrenia: A theory. Psychopharmacology
49: 1-15.
162. Hartmann E, Cravens J (1976): Sleep: Effects of d- and l-amphetamine
in man and in rat. Psychopharmacology 50: 171-175.
163. Hartmann E (1977): Drugs for insomnia. Rational Drug Therapy
11: 1-6. (German translation: Hartmann E (1978): Arzneimittegegen
Schlaflosigklit. Internist 18: 552-556.)
164. Hartmann E (1977): "Sleep". In World Book Year Book.
Chicago, Colliers, pp 109-121.
165. Hartmann E (1977): L-tryptophan: A rational hypnotic with
clinical potential. Amer J Psychiat 134: 366-370.
166. Hartmann E, Teschke, M (1977): Biology of schizophrenia: Mental
effects dopamine-B-hydroxylase inhibition in normal men. The Lancet:
1: 37-38.
167. Hartmann E, Elion R (1977): The insomnia of "sleeping
in a strange place". Effects of l-tryptophan. Psychopharmacology
53: 131-133.
168. Hartmann E, Orzack M, Branconnier R (1977): Sleep deprivation
deficits and their reversal by d- and l-amphetamine. Psychopharmacology
53: 185-189.
169. Regestein Q, Hartmann E, Reich P (1977): A head movement disorder
occurring in dreaming sleep. Psychopharmacology 164: 432-435.
170. Hartmann E (1977): "Sleep" in Nicholi A (ed.) The
Harvard Guide to Modern Psychiatry. Cambridge, Harvard University
Press, 1977, pp 103-112.
171. Hartmann E (1977): L-tryptophan as an hypnotic agent: A review.
Waking and Sleeping 1: 155-161.
172. Hartmann E (1977): "L-tryptophan: An effective hypnotic".
In Masserman JH, Current Psychiatric Therapies, Vol 17. New York,
Grune and Stratton, pp 165-169.
173. Hartmann E (1977): Tryptophan and sleep: Studies in rats,
normal human subjects, and insomniacs. Presented to the Second International
Meeting of the Society for Tryptophan Research. Madison, Wisconsin
August, 1977. Abs: ISTRY Proceedings, p 55.
174. Hartmann E, Spinweber C, Fernstrom JL: Diet, amino acids,
and sleep. Sleep Research 6: 61.
175. Hartmann E, Teschke M, Spinweber C (1977): Fusaric acid and
l-DOPA: Effects on sleep. Sleep Research 6: 60.
176. Spinweber C, Hartmann E (1977): Long and short sleepers: MHPG
and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid excretion. Sleep Research 6: 65.
177. Spinweber C, Hartmann E (1977): Long and short sleepers: MHPG
and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid excretion. Meeting presentations; no
additional publication. Error?
178. Hartmann E (1978): Sleep as a biological predictor in mental
illness. In Akishal H and Webb W (eds.) Psychiatric Diagnosis. New
York, SP Medical and Scientific Books, Spectrum, pp 391-410.
179. Glaubman H, Hartmann E (1978): Daytime state and nighttime
sleep: A sleep study after a marathon group experience. Perceptual
and Motor Skills 46: 711-715.
180. Hartmann E (1978): The Sleeping Pill. New Haven, Yale University
181. Hartmann E, Skoff B, Russ D, Oldfield M (1978): The biochemistry
of the nightmare: Possible involvement of dopamine. Sleep Research
7: 185.
182.Hartmann E, Russ D, (1978): The personality of the nightmare
sufferer: Relationship to schizophrenia? Sleep Research 7: 185.
183. Angel C, Spinweber C, Hartmann E (1978): Fusaric acid and
l-DOPA: Effects on sleep. Sleep Research 7: 89.
184.Spinweber C, Hartmann E (1978): Effects of low-doses of l-tryptophan
on human sleep. Sleep Research 7: 115.
185.Hartmann E (1978): Effects of psychotropic drugs on sleep:
the catecholamines and sleep. In Lipton M, DiMascio A, Killiam K
(Eds.) Psychopharmacology: A Generation of Progess. New York, Raven
Press, pp 711-728.
186.Gardos G, Tecce J, Hartmann E, Bowers P, Cole J (1978):
Treatment with mesoridazine and thioridazine in chronic
schizophrenia: I. Assessment of clinical and
electrophysiologic responses in
refractory hallucinating schizophrenics. Comprehensive
Psychiatry 19: 517-525.
187.Gardos G, Tecce J, Hartmann E, Bowers P, Cole J (1978):
Treatment with mesoridazine and thioridazine in chronic
schizophrenia: II. Potential predictors of drug response.
Comprehensive Psychiatry 19: 527-532.
188.Gelenberg AJ, Klerman CL, Hartmann E, Salt P (1978):
Recurrent unipolar depressions with a 48-hour cycle:
Report of a case. Brit J Psychiatry 133: 123-129.
189.Hartmann, E (1978): L-tryptophan: The sleeping pill
of the future? Psychology Today 12: 180.
190.Hartmann, E (1979): Catecholamines and sleep. In
Usdin E, Kopin I, Barchas J (Eds.) Catecholamines: Basic
and Clinical Frontiers. New York, Pergamon Press, pp 1750-
191.Hartmann, E (1979): L-tryptophan and sleep. In
Passouant P, Oswald I (Eds.) Pharmacology of the States of
Alertness. Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press, pp 75-83.
192.Hartmann E, Russ D (1979): Frequent nightmares and
the vulnerability to schizophrenia: The personality of the
nightmare sufferer. Psychopharmacology Bulletin 15: 11-12.
193.Hartmann E, Spinweber C (1979): Fluvoxamine -- a
seratonin reuptake blocker: Effects on sleep. Sleep
Research 8: 163.
194.Hartmann E (1979): How does insomnia begin? A study
of 100 cases. Sleep Research 8: 98.
195.Hartmann E, Russ D, van der Kolk, B (1979): Lifelong
nightmares: A possible indicator of vulnerability to
schizophrenia. Sleep Research 8: 98.
196.Hartmann E, Oldfield M, Carpenter J (1979): Tryptophan
dietary intake: Effect on subjective sleepiness. Sleep
Research 8: 98.
197.Hartmann E, Spinweber C (1979): Sleep induced by l-
tryptophan. Effects of dosages within the normal dietary
intake. J Nerv Ment Dis 167: 497-499.
198.Hartmann E, Teschke M (1979): The physiological
effects of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase inhibition in normal
subjects. Biological Psychiatry 14: 455-462.
199.Hartmann E, (1979): What we now know about sleep.
Medical Times 107: 1d-19d.
200.Hartmann E, (1979): Alcohol and bruxism. New Eng J
Med 301: 334.
201.Hartmann E, (1980): Sleep and the sleep disorders.
In van Praag H, Lader M, Rafaelsen O, Sachar E (Eds.):
Handbook of Biological Psychiatry. New York, Marcel
Dekker, pp 331-358.
202.Hartmann E, (1980): Sleep. In Kaplan H, Freedman A,
Sadock S (Eds.): Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry III.
Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins Co., pp 165-177.
203.Hartmann E, (1980): Sleep disorders. In Kaplan H,
Freedman A, Sadock S (Eds.): Comprehensive Textbook of
Psychiatry III. Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins Co.,
pp 2014-2029.
204.van der Kolk B, Hartmann, E, Burr A, Blitz R (1980):
A survey of nightmare frequencies in a veteran's outpatient
clinic. Sleep Research 9: 229.
205.Hartmann E, Russ D, Oldfield M, Falke R, Skoff B
(1980): Dream content: Effects of l-DOPA. Sleep Research
9: 153.
206.Lindsley JG, Hartmann E, Spinweber C, Siegel A, Wolf RL
(1980): L-tryptophan, placebo, flurazepam, secobarbital:
Preliminary results in insomnia patients. Sleep Research
9: 74.
207.Hartmann E, Lindsley JG, Spinweber C, Siegel A, Wolf RL
(1980): L-tryptophan as a possible hypnotic agent. Third
International Meeting of The International Society for
Tryptophan Research (ISTRY), Kyoto, August. Abs: ISTRY
Proceedings, p 119.
208.Cole J, Hartmann E, Brigham P (1980): L-tryptophan:
Clinical studies. McLean Hospital Journal 5: 37-71.
209.Hartmann E (1981): Alcohol and the sleep disorders.
In Mansell Pattison E, Kaufman E (Eds.), Encyclopedic
Handbook of Alcoholism. New York, Gardner Press, Inc..
210.Hartmann E (1980): Insomnia and sleep disturbances in
the aged. J Geriatric Psychiatry, 23: 179-182.
211.Hartmann E (1981): The strangest sleep disorder.
Psychology Today, April: 14-18.
212.Hartmann E, Russ D, van der Kolk B, Falke R, Oldfield M
(1981): A preliminary study of the personality of the
nightmare sufferer: Relationship to schizophrenia and
creativity? Am J Psychiatry 138: 794-797.
213.Hartmann E (1981): The functions of sleep and memory
processing. In Fishbein W (Ed.) Advances in Sleep
Research. New York, Spectrum Publications, pp 111-124.
214.Ware JC, Hartmann E (1981): L-Tryptophan and sleep:
Effects on REM density. Sleep Research 10: 72.
215.Hartmann E, Marsh E, Soderland C (1981): The
antihistamines and sleep: Effects of pyrilamine. Sleep
Research 10: 82.
216.Lindsley JG, Hartmann E, Spinweber C, Mitchell W
(1981): Severe insomnia: Effects of L-tryptophan,
flurazepam, secobarbital, and placebo. Sleep Research 10:
217.Hauri P, Percy L, Hartmann E, Russ D (1981): Treating
psychophysiological insomnia with biofeedback, a
replication. Sleep Research 10: 167.
218.Hartmann E, Falke R, Russ D, Oldfield M, Sivan I, van
der Kolk B (1981): Who has nightmares? Persons with
lifelong nightmares compared with vivid dreamers and non-
vivid dreamers. Sleep Research 10: 171.
219.van der Kolk BA, Sherry Adinolfi S, Blitz R, Hartmann
E, Burr WA (1981): Lifelong versus traumatic nightmares.
Sleep Research 10: 178.
220.van der Kolk BA, Burr WA, Blitz RG, Hartmann E (1981):
Characteristics of nightmares among veterans with and
without combat experience. Sleep Research 10: 179.
221.Hartmann E (1981): Night terrors with somnambulism: A
serious sleep disorder. I. A lethal case. Sleep Research
10: 202
222.Hartmann E (1981): Night terrors with somnambulism: A
serious sleep disorder. II. A lifelong case with potential
for bodily harm. Sleep Research 10: 202.
223.Regestein QR, Hartmann E (1981): A case of severe
childhood-onset insomnia relieved only by opiates. Sleep
Research 10: 225.
224.Hartmann E (1981): Tryptophan and sleep: Who responds
to l-tryptophan? In Perris C, Struwe G, Janssen B (Eds.),
Biological Psychiatry 1981, Amsterdam, Elsevier Biomedical
Press, pp 613-621.
225.Hauri P, Percy L, Hellekson C, Hartmann E, Russ D
(1982): The treatment of psychophysiologic insomnia with
biofeedback: A replication study. Biofeedback & Self-
Regulation 7: 223-235.
226.Hartmann E (1982): Insomnia. In Usdin E, Skolnick P,
Tallman JF Jr., Greenblatt D, Paul SM (Eds.), Pharmacology
of Benzodiazepines. Surrey, The Gresham Press, pp 187-198.
227.Hartmann E, Greenwald D, Brune P (1982): Night
Terrors-Sleep Walking: Personality Characteristics. Sleep
Research 11: 121.
228.van der Kolk B, Sherry S, Blitz R, Burr W, Hartmann E
(1982): Rorschach responses in men with lifelong and
traumatic nightmares. Sleep Research 11: 131.
229.Lindsley JG, Mitchell WA, Hartmann E (1982): Tentative
subclassification of middle insomnia. Sleep Research 11:
230.Hartmann E (1982): From the biology of dreaming to the
biology of the mind. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child
37: 303-335.
231.Hartmann E (1982/83): Effects of l-tryptophan on
sleepiness and on sleep. In Lieberman HR, Wurtman RJ
(Eds.): Research Strategies for Assessing the Behavioral
Effects of Foods and Nutrients. Proceedings of a
conference held at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA November 9, 1982 pp 12-28.
Journal of Psychiatric Research 17: 107 -113.
232.Hartmann E (1983): Dreaming. In Funk and Wagnalls New
Encyclopedia. New York, Funk & Wagnalls, p 344.
233.Hartmann E (1983): Sleep. In Funk and Wagnalls New
Encyclopedia. New York, Funk & Wagnalls, pp 21-23.
234.Hartmann E, Oldfield M, Adelman S, Edelberg R (1983):
Psychological effects of DBH-inhibition: A failure to
replicate. Psychopharmacology 79: 352-356.
235.Hartmann E, Lindsley JG, Spinweber C (1983): Chronic
Insomnia: Effects of tryptophan, flurazepam, secobarbital,
and placebo. Psychopharmacology 80: 138-142.
236.Hartmann E (1984): Insomnia: Diagnosis and treatment.
In Bernstein JG: Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2nd edition.
Boston/Bristol/London, John Wright. PSG Inc., pp 177-188.
237.Hartmann E, Greenwald D (1984): Tryptophan and human
sleep: An analysis of 43 studies. In Shlossberger HG,
Kochen W, Linzen B, Steinhart H (Eds.), Progress in
Tryptophan and Serotonin Research. Berlin/New York, Walter
de Gruyer & Co., pp 297-304.
238.Hartmann E (1984): (Clinical and behavioral effects of
tryptophan): Introduction to workshop. In Schlossberger
HG, Kochen W, Linzen B, Steinhart H (Eds.), Progess in
Tryptophan and Serotonin Research. Berlin/New York, Walter
de Gruyer & Co., pp 291-296.
239.Lindsley JG, Hartmann E, Mitchell W (1983):
Selectivity in response to l-tryptophan among insomniac
subjects: A preliminary report. Sleep 6: 247-256.
240.Hartmann E, Spinweber C, Ware JC (1983): Effects of
amino acids on quantified sleepiness. Nutrition and
Behavior 1: 179-183.
241.Hartmann E (1983): Night terrors with sleepwalking --
a potentially lethal disorder. The Journal of Nervous and
Mental Disease 171: 503-505.
242.van der Kolk BA, Blitz R, Burr W, Sherry S, Hartmann E
(1984): Nightmares and trauma: A comparison of nightmares
after combat with lifelong nightmares in veterans.
American J Psychiatry 141: 187-190.
243.Hartmann E, Sivan I, Cooper S, Treger F (1984): The
personality of lifelong nightmare sufferers: Projective
test results. Sleep Research 13: 118.
244.Hartmann E, Mitchell W, Brune P, Greenwald D (1984):
Childhood nightmares but not childhood insomnia may predict
adult psychopathology. Sleep Research 13: 117.
245.Hartmann E, Milofsky E, Vaillant G, Oldfield M, Falke
R, Ducey C (1984): Vulnerability to Schizophrenia:
Prediction of adult schizophrenia using childhood
information. Archives of General Psychiatry 41: 1050-
246.Hartmann E (1984): The Nightmare: The Psychology and
Biology of Terrifying Dreams. New York, Basic Books.
247.Hartmann E (1985): Approach to insomnia. Harvard
Medical School Mental Health Letter 1: 8.
248.Hartmann E, Brune P, Mitchell W, Lindsley JG (1985):
Brotizolam: Effects on insomnia. Sleep Research 14: 247.
249.Hartmann E (1985): Sleep Disorders. In Kaplan HI,
Sadock BJ (Eds.) Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry IV.
Baltimore/London, Williams and Wilkins, pp 1247-1262.
250.Hartmann E (1985): Sleep. In Kaplan HI, Sadock BJ
(Eds.) Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry IV.
Baltimore/London, Williams and Wilkins, pp 55-67.
251.Hartmann E, Brune P, Mitchell W, Greenwald D (1985):
Vulnerability to schizophrenia: Childhood indicators
predict adult outcome. Psychopharmacology Bulletin 21:
252.Hartmann E (1986): Effect of L-tryptophan and other
amino acids on sleep. Nutrition Reviews 44: (Supplement):
253.Cooper SH, Hartmann E (1986): Hostility levels of
lifetime nightmare sufferers: A test of a clinical
hypothesis. Psychoanalytic Psychology 3: 373-377.
254.Hartmann E (1986): The nature of nightmares. In
Medical and Health Annual (1987). Chicago, IL,
Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
255.Myers BA, Klerman GL, Hartmann E (1986): Nocturnal
cataclysms with myoclonus: A new side effect of
clomipramine. American Journal of Psychiatry 143: 1490-
256.Hartmann E, Russ D, Oldfield M, Sivan I, Cooper S
(1987): Who has nightmares? The personality of the
lifelong nightmare sufferer. Archives of General
Psychiatry 44: 49-56.
257.Hartmann E (1987): The sleep book: Understanding and
preventing sleep problems in people over 50. Glenview, IL,
Scott, Foresman and Company, Lifelong Learning Division.
258.Hartmann E, Harrison R, Bevis J, Hurwitz I, Holevas A,
Dawani H (1987): The Boundary Questionnaire: A measure of
thin and thick boundaries derived from the work of
nightmare sufferers. Sleep Research 16: 274.
259.Hartmann E, Mehta N, Forgione A, Brune P, LaBrie R
(1987): Bruxism: Personality traits and other
characteristics. Sleep Research 16: 350.
260.Hartmann E, Mehta N, Forgione A, Brune P, LaBrie R
(1987): Bruxism: Effects of Alcohol. Sleep Research 16:
261.Hartmann E (1987): Possible effects of tryptophan
ingestion. J Nutr 117: 1314.
262. Hartmann E (1988): Sleep. in Nicholi A (Ed.) The
Harvard Guide to Modern Psychiatry (Revised
edition). Cambridge and London, Harvard
University Press. pp 152-170.
263. Hartmann E (1988): Insomnia; Diagnosis and
Treatment in Kracan I, Williams R, Moore C, (Eds.) Sleep
Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment. New York, John Wiley,
pp 29-46.
264. Hartmann E (1988): Bruxism. In Kryger M, Roth T,
Dement W (Eds.), Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine.
New York, Saunders, pp 385-388.
265. Hartmann E (1988): Dreams: Clinical Aspects. In
Kruger M, Roth T, Dement W (Eds.), Principles and Practice
of Sleep Medicine. New York, Saunders, pp 191-195.
266. Hartmann E (1989): Dreaming and Narcolepsy. In
Burton S (Ed.) Narcolepsy: Third International
Symposium Proceedings. Oak Park Illinois, Associations
Plus. pp 61-63
267. Hartmann E (1989): Boundaries of dreams;
boundaries of dreamers: Thin and thick boundaries as a new
personality dimension. Psychiatric Journal of the
University of Ottawa 14: 557-560.
268. Galvin F and Hartmann E (1990): Nightmares, terrors
of the night. In Krippner S (Ed.), Dreamtime and
Dreamwork; Decoding the Language of the Night. Los
Angeles, Jeremy Tarcher, pp 233-243.
269. Hartmann E (1990): Non-dreamers have "thick
boundaries"; good dream-recallers "thin
boundaries". Sleep Research 19: 135.
270. Hartmann E (1991): Dreaming. In Encyclopedia of
Human Biology. New York. Academic Press,
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, pp 191-197
271. Hartmann E (1991) Dreams that work or dreams that
poison: What does dreaming do? Dreaming 1: 23- 25.
272. Hartmann E (1990): Thin and thick boundaries:
Personality, dreams, and imagination. In
Kunzendorf, R.G. (Ed.) Mental Imagery. New York,
Plenum Press, pp 71-78.
273. Hartmann E (1991): Boundaries in the Mind: A New
Psychology of Personality. New York: Basic
274. Hartmann E (1991): Personality and Dream Recall.
Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming, New York, NY, Macmillan
Publishing, pp 443-444.
275. Hartmann E (1991): Sexual symbolism. Encyclopedia
of Sleep and Dreaming, New York, NY, Macmillan Publishing,
pp 540-541.
276. Hartmann E (1991): Nightmares. Encyclopedia of
Sleep and Dreaming, New York, NY: Macmillan
Publishing, pp 406-408.
277. Hartmann E, Elkin R, Garg M, (1991) Personality and
Dreaming: The Dreams of People with Very Thick or Very
Thin Boundaries. Dreaming 1: 311-324.
278. Hartmann E, Ware J, Watson R, MacFarlane J,
Moldofsky H, (1992) When should a sleep-inducing substance
be given? A multiple-placebo-controlled study of the
timing of tryptophan administration. Sleep Research 21: 57.
279. Hartmann E (1992) Boundaries in the Mind: Boundary
structure related to sleep and sleep disorders. Sleep
Research 21: 126.
280. Hartmann E (1993): Nightmares and Other Dreams: in
Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, edited by Kryger
M, Roth T, Dement W (2nd edition). New York, NY, WB
Saunders, pp 407-410.
281. Hartmann E (1993): Bruxism: in Principles and
Practice of Sleep Medicine, edited by Kryger M, Roth T,
Dement W, (2nd edition). New York, NY WB Saunders, pp 598-
282. Hartmann E (1994): Comments on Freud's The
Interpretation of Dreams Dreaming 4: 76-79.
283. Hartmann E (1995): Post-traumatic nightmares versus
ordinary nightmares: who develops what kind of nightmares:
in Trauma and Dreams, edited by Barrett D. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, in Press
284.Hartmann E (1995): Dreaming connects: A hypothesis on
the nature and function of dreaming based on the dreams of
resolving trauma. Self and Society, in press.
285.Hartmann E (1995): Dreaming connects: A hypothesis on
the Nature and Function of Dreaming Based on Dreams
Following Trauma. Sleep Research, in press.
* Dr. Ernest Hartmann
Tufts University School of Medicine
27 Clark Street, Newton, MA 02159/2425
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